We render these services for you:

OpenID is a shared identity service, which allows Internet users to log on to many different web sites using a single digital identity, eliminating the need for a different user name and password for each site. OpenID is a decentralized, free and open standard that lets users control the amount of personal information they provide.
OpenID DirectoryAlpha
A list of sites that is OpenID enabled.
OpenID Chinese news river.
Moving and backup your blog freely.
The FreeBSD Ports and Packages Collection offers a simple way for users and administrators to install applications. There are currently 18828 ports available.
Checks which public IPFS gateways are online or not.

Site construction:

JPlanet is an awesome 'river of news' feed reader. It downloads news feeds published by web sites and aggregates their content together into a single combined feed, latest news first.
A OpenID enabled plugin for Discuz!.

Software development:

OpenID is an open, decentralized, free framework for user-centric digital identity.
A simple tool to decode from or Encode to URL encoded.

Java Software development:

An implementation of Blogger API for Java.
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